Pathways Workgroup

Chair: SSRG Project Officer

The aged care reforms are currently underway, with the new Support at Home Program due to be implemented in July 2023. Organisations will make significant changes and learn to work within the new system. Major changes can be exciting but also involves challenges and difficulties. Some challenges are best resolved collaboratively by sharing strategies and working together to build a system which runs more smoothly.

Further information about the aged care reforms can be accessed HERE

The Support at Home Program Overview can be accessed HERE

The purpose and objective of the workgroup is to:

  • Support the successful implementation of the aged care reforms
  • Support each other during the reform process
  • Identify solutions to address issues of concern

The workgroup meets monthly to find workable solutions to address problems where possible by using discussions, brainstorms and research to develop and implement ways to improve processes for both providers and consumers.

The workgroup stakeholders include a range of providers/agencies, including CHSP providers, and/or organisations that engage with the CHSP sector, or other identified priority agencies. 

Stay tuned for upcoming initiatives. 

For more information and meeting dates, contact the Project Officer on 8384 0758 or email