One Step Closer
The Regional Reform Forum One Step Closer was proudly brought to you by Collaborative Project Officers - Julie Wilhelm (Hills Positive Ageing Project), Maria Shialis (Southern Services Reform Group), Michelle Fuller (Southern Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island Positive Ageing Taskforce), and Lisa Barrett (Riverland Murray Coorong Taskforce).
Held Friday 28 October 2022 at Grunthal Brew, Verdun, this event was not to be missed.
Keynote speaker Nick Morgan Assistant Secretary, Support at Home Reform Branch, Department of Health and Aged Care attended in person to deliver his presentation on the new in-home aged care reforms and to hear directly from providers. Attendees participated in thought provoking Q&A with Nick.
Throughout the day there was relevant, engaging and interactive activities, networking opportunities and much more.
The One Step Closer Summary Report will be released shortly.